Serving Our Students

Sep 8, 2023

In Jackson County, OR, The Salvation Army is meeting students where they are to bring them closer to a successful education.

After her father was medically discharged from the Marines for a severe back injury, Amber’s family landed in Oregon. “We did not have much when we moved here and continued to fall on very hard times over and over. My father, being the prideful Marine, felt that despite needing the assistance for his growing family, it’d be “too much”.  The military didn’t pay much back then and you were expected to do great things with pretty much nothing despite my parents having 3 young children, asking for food assistance was frowned upon, even after being discharged from the military, my father still was in that mindset.”   During this time, Amber’s family was introduced to The Salvation Army and participated in their Dress-a-Child event where Amber and her siblings were given new winter clothes. “I wasn’t ashamed to go to school when I wore those clothes. I didn’t get teased or made to walk the mile to my house and change into clothes that “fit me.” Those clothes from the Dress-a-Child event gave me so much confidence. I felt like I was normal like all the other children in my class.”  

This past year, Amber, now a Nursing Student, was able to volunteer at Jackson County’s Dress-a-Child event where each child was paired with a dedicated adult volunteer who guided them through their shopping spree, helping them make wise decisions with their $100 budget. “It felt amazing to be able to help those children in need. The child that went shopping with me was somewhat embarrassed to be there and unsure of if he wanted to participate in the clothes shopping event. I told him about my story and how I am now able to help children that are in the position I was once in. After sharing my story, this child really opened up, he was not embarrassed about being there anymore, and did not hesitate to pick out several winter-friendly outfits.” “I am very thankful for The Salvation Army and everything this organization did for my family but also continues to do for our community.”

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