Music Flourishes in Gresham, OR

Feb 5, 2024 | by Jessica Zielinski

The Gresham Music Academy is an exciting new program, launched in September 2023, providing a quality program that benefits low-income families in the eastern Portland community. The program offers lessons in Ukulele, Piano, Individual Vocal Instruction, Brass, and Choir.  At the beginning of the school year, 25 students are enrolled, with the hope to increase capacity to 40 kids by the end of May.

“We are grateful for the grant support we have received from the Juan Young Trust, which has helped us make this dream a reality!” said Captain Caleb Montes, Corps Officer at the Gresham Corps and Community Center.

The Music Academy has been a long-awaited program requested by church members and community families alike and has already seen incredible support from local businesses and musicians. 

“Music sparks joy in children’s hearts, fostering creativity and connection. The Salvation Army’s legacy in music endures, enriching lives through its programs today” said Joel Garcia, Divisional Music Director of the Cascade Division who helped get the program started by providing instruments and training to staff.


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