Hope Restored for a Family in Medford, OR

Jun 24, 2023 | by Jessica Zielinski

Last year, Tyler Vega and his girlfriend Ariel Huffman found themselves in a very difficult situation; homeless, and in their addiction, hopeless, they were looking for a way out. After losing their son, Hunter, to the State of Oregon, he spent 2 years in foster care until they were called for beds at an inpatient rehab program. While they were in rehab, they struggled with finding somewhere to go where they could live together and be able to get their son back under the same roof. Two months into their treatment program they interviewed at the H.O.P.E. House in Medford, OR and were accepted into the family dorm. 


After only a few short months their son moved home with them. Tyler got a full-time job and was able to pay off outstanding fines and tickets. During the program, they learned valuable life skills like budgeting and parenting. “I have my license, we bought a car, and we moved from the family dorm into an apartment at H.O.P.E. House. Whenever we find ourselves struggling with any obstacles during our journey, we have been blessed with the staff at H.O.P.E. House who are genuine caring people who help us learn how to navigate through coming off the streets and out of addiction. We have had to unlearn old and unhealthy behaviors and relearn healthy and productive behaviors.”  


“Being participants in the program has helped us achieve what a year ago felt unachievable.”


“Our son, Hunter, needed us and if it weren’t for the H.O.P.E. House we wouldn’t be growing every day. With all the positivity that H.O.P.E. House has provided to our family, you can only imagine what they can provide to so many more families if given the chance.”

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